ecophilia — exploring eco-wisdom as a lifestyle — Issue #11
Day 14 of 108 of fasting, fungi & fractals
Last night, we had a kick-off event with the Klima Kneipe (climate bar), a monthly transdisciplinary gathering that some of us at Moos organized to bring together activists, scientists, journalists, and entrepreneurs in a relaxed atmosphere. In one conversation, an idea resurfaced that I have been working on and off for some years.
The academy of eco-living
I think we need an academy for eco-living. Changing our ways of life towards regeneration in private, without institutionalized support, is likely to be insufficient. Instead, I wish there was a space of support for eco-living that is as close to research as it is to civil society. An academy that can support people in finding their way of how to live, how to transition towards the Ecocene, offering practical, scientific, emotional, and relational support.
The goal of the academy for eco-living I have in mind is that people become empowered, inspired, and knowledgable about how to live in a world that demands ecological and social action and justice.
Of course, no one knows how to do this. But yet, there is no such institutionalized endeavor that identifies this in the long run, that builds up a curriculum to do so, and establishes a lifelong learning process.
Possible courses that come to my mind: ontological design, health, and wellbeing, personal fulfillment, diet, minimalism, mastery, finding one’s philosophy, creating rituals, interspecies communication, radical collaboration, participation and co-creation, reflections, meditation, complexity, forest gardening, permaculture, foraging, crafts such as sewing, building, biomimicry, fundamental physics, chemistry, alchemy and magic.
If any of you would be interested in thinking about building and establishing such an academy, get in touch.