Redefining who I am


Our identities are built on assumptions like competition, rivalry, individuality. For a more beautiful world, we need to redefine our identity. I find one of the most important redefinitions is the idea of the autonomous individual. I am not a tree. But what would I be without a tree? And what would the tree be without the sun? The reason I am is because the tree is, is because the sun is. I emerge with the tree and the sun. I wouldn’t even be a meaningful concept without the tree and the sun. I emerge, I am, through the relationship with them.



Jessica Böhme, PhD
Jessica Böhme, PhD

Written by Jessica Böhme, PhD

founder & director of IPeP (Institute for Practical ekoPhilosophy) 🌎 | professor & academic director 🔬| author of three books 📚 👩🏻‍🎤

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